Gromet's PlazaTrashcan Stories


by Unwanted Trash

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© Copyright 2024 - Unwanted Trash - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/m; F+/m; mpov; trash; trashcan; mast; caught; hum; messy; food; object; disposal; garbage; truck; compacted; landfill; reluct; cons; XXX

It had been weeks since it all ended, six weeks to be exact since I was dumped by my ex. Olivia. I was yet to get over her, I was yet to feel myself again, and the only part of me that I still had was trash and diapers. But that was it, nothing else defined me, I was lost and felt utterly worthless. 

With nothing else to do other than indulge in my fantasies and so I spent more and more time playing in my neighbor's trash cans. But even that wasn’t enough to fulfill my fantasies, their trash cans were alright but nothing compared to my fantasies over Olivia's trash.

And so one night I had enough, I decided that even if she wasn’t the one dumping me in the trash can I ought to get another peek at trash. Little did Olivia know but when we were together I’d jack off to her trash when she wasn’t around. She never knew about my trash fantasy until she found me looking at trashy sites one night. 

And well in a stroke of irony, she dumped me after she caught me a second time and found my diaper collection. With little warning, she grabbed my computer and belongings chucking them in the trash can. She then proceeded to kick me out of her house, just like I was like trash to her, kicked to the curb.

It was a warm summer night, the air was damp but there was a gentle summer breeze. I was used to being up at these wee hours the night before collection day to indulge in my play, where everything was at peace. People asleep and trash cans resting on the street with their worthless contents powerless to do anything. 

And so there it was, Olivia's home, and right out there on the curb a black trash can. As I approached the trash can I scanned my surroundings to ensure no one saw me. With no one in sight, I lifted the can's lid open. As I climbed in I thought I saw a figure standing in Olivia's bedroom window but brushed it off as nothing more than my imagination. 

Once within the can the smell of Olivia’s trash was fully apparent, the smells of rotting kitchen trash and her sanitary products made for a pungent smell. Trash bags smushed below my ass, I was no better than the trash. We were all worthless, sticky, stinky, and dumped by Olivia. 

The only difference was my cock was hard as a rock and I was horny as hell. And just like clockwork, my hands found their way into my pants- stroking back and forth and finding pleasures in being in Olivia's can. Slowly but surely the can rocked back and forth to the rhythm of my strokes. And oh so soon I orgasmed and squirted out my little trash juices. The pleasure was unlike any other, oh how I loved being in her trash! 

But then suddenly! I felt something bump into the can and before I knew it the lid was open. And there she was looking over me, Olivia looking down into her trash with a scrunched nose. I must have really stunk!

“Missed me didn’t you?” she asked. But before I could say anything a metal bar came crashing down and knocked me out. 

To my surprise, instead of waking up to the sound of a rumbling trash truck, I woke up to the sound of Olivia singing in her kitchen. Trying to make out my confines I looked around but all I could see was darkness, I was clearly confined in some sort of container. Most likely her trash can. Another thing became apparent, balled up panties were stuffed in my mouth as some sort of gag with tape and my hands were constrained. 

My suspicions were confirmed and my eyes were blasted with light! And then rapidly a pile of kitchen waste reigned in on me. Egg shells, banana peels. plastic packaging and unused batter. Olivia dumps it right on into the can with little to no regard for me, all without even sparing me a glance. The lid slams shut as she carelessly walks away. Back to the abysmal darkness. 

While my situation was not particularly optimal I really couldn’t complain. I was living out my fantasies, being Olivia's trash! As long as she let me out it’d all be ok…. Right? She wasn’t that insane was she. I may be her ex but I was still a human… still worthy of life and dignity or so I hoped.

My world was lit up again as Olivia opened the lid, in her hands a plate and knife. She begins scraping what's left of her breakfast straight into the trash can, falling right onto me. I look up into her beautiful eyes, yet she denies me any acknowledgment. To her she was looking at nothing more than trash. The lid closed again.

As the day carried on Olivia went about her business, throwing away the occasional piece of trash. The smell began to become apparent, as the organic waste from breakfast began to rot first. Lunch and dinner were a similar process, Olivia dumped in her trash with little to no regard for my existence in her trash can. 

My legs and back began to become sore from the fetal position I was in. But there was little I could do but soak up being in Olivia's trash and hope she’d let me out. I began to feel frail as the lack of water and food began to get to me. Slowly but surely my consciousness faded in and out. 

Until I was woken up with a thump! The whirling of a vacuum was evident outside, clearly Olivia was cleaning… which could only mean one thing. Volumes of random particulates came flying in as Olivia dumped the vacuum waste straight on in, I hacked away as I choked on the dust; yet what did she care if I was choking. 

This barrage would only be followed Olivia cleaning out her fridge, as she carelessly tossed rotting produce right in with me. The stench became worse immediately as she tossed in some moldy cheese and curdling milk. Gross curds of milk scattered all over my face, Olivia looked in briefly and giggled to herself. Then the lid slammed again. 

Utterly humiliated was barely touching the surface of how I felt, Olivia may have made me feel like shit when she dumped me but I now felt like shitty garbage. Robbed of dignity and nothing more than a mere object. Olivia's property, yet not even property she wanted… just worthless stinking trash.

My humiliation would get no relief… but first I needed to breathe. The volume of trash had grown considerably and my headspace significantly decreased. As I tried to push myself upwards I struggled, being weak and frail it was difficult to push up against the trash. Eventually I succeed but not without significantly disrupting the trash. Flowing down my back was a sticky substance, some sort of trash juice. The rest of my body was no better, covered in mushy, yucky food scraps. 

The doorbell rang. Which could only mean one thing, the possibility of escape. If Olivia wasn’t going to let me out, they would! Olivia's footsteps moved down the hallway towards the door and then I heard it..

The exclamation and salutations of her friends, how could I be so daft! It was Saturday which meant it was girls night and my trashy prison would only become fuller. I could only hope they’d have sympathy for me. 

Soon enough an opportunity would present itself. Olivia and her friends came into the kitchen to get dinner. Knowing this was one of my few chances I began rocking in the bin, desperate to get their attention. 

“Olivia what’s in the trash can?” Hannah asks 

“Oh nothing, sometimes my trash just shifts around” Olivia says as she opens the fridge 

And without warning the lid opens and Olivia's friend Cathrine spits her gum straight onto my face. Catherine is immediately repulsed by the stench of the trash and proclaims “Goodness Olivia what do you have in here, your trash stinks!” 

With little to no warning my dick shoots up and becomes rock hard. The feeling of utter humiliation yet pleasure too overcomes me. Olivia's friends were in on it too, or were there? Maybe I was just trash…

 Regardless, Cathrine had looked right into my eyes and said nothing. Little did she care that I was in there, I was just trash for her to spit gum onto. Rotting, stinking, worthless trash. 

The evening continues as the girls eat and talk. Olivia's friends are completely unaware that just inches from them, in a trash filled bin, sits a man.. no not a man. Just another piece of the trash, because to them it was just the kitchen trash can, a place for them to throw away there unwanted and used items

As dinner comes to an end more trash is dumped on me. Soggy paper plates, half empty styrofoam cups and food scraps fall freely on top of me. I get extremely hard at the thought of Olivia and her friends dumping garbage on top of me... without a second thought, just throwing their trash away. Cause that's really all they're doing. I'm just another piece of trash in the bin.

Then the lid opens for what feels like the millionth time, but this time it stays open. Peering over me are Olivia's friends, noses scrunched up at the smell of the trash. In the background I hear Olivia exclaim “Hey girls look what I found, this stupid ass painting with some cringy poem on the back.” 

It must have been the painting and poem I gave her for our anniversary, the day before she broke up with me… I thought she would have gotten rid of it but apparently not. 

My thoughts are interrupted by Hannah exclaiming, “Ewww look at that, I don’t even think its a painting Olivia, it looks like shit smeared everywhere” 

Olivia responds “yeah you’re right, it’s just shitty garbage.” 

And with that Olivia carelessly tosses it in without much regard. To my surprise a stuffed dolphin I got her comes flying in too. 

Hannah then proclaims, “glad you’re done with that stupid piece shit.” 

Olivia's friends then look in and spit into the trash. The lid slams back close and I sit there in utter filth, covered, buried, a mere part of Olivia's trash. 

Off in the distance I hear Olivia and her friends watching a movie. There is no regard for what just happened because to them they were just throwing out the trash. And so the cycle continues, as the occasional random piece falls on in. 

For what seems like the millionth time the trash can lid opens like normal, but then - a torrent of putrid stinking diapers comes falling right onto my face. The smell immediately goes from rotting trash to rotting trash filled with soiled diapers. 

There standing above me is Ava with a smirk on her face. She viciously states, “that’s for fucking with Olivia, you little diaper freak.”

A wave of frustration, humiliation and pleasure overcame me. I didn’t know how to feel, I was living out my fantasy but Olivia and her friends had utterly humiliated me, who knows if they were going to let me out now…

But maybe I didn’t deserve to be let out, maybe I was just shitty garbage, if Olivia didn’t want me anymore then maybe no one did. Maybe she was just being nice when she didn’t trash me the night she broke up with this trashy diaper freak. And maybe now she was doing me justice, she was getting rid of the trash, this little nuisance to society, this stinky worthless piece of garbage.

I can’t handle it all anymore, the only release is in the massive orgasm I’m about to have. 

Worthless trash freak, that’s what I am, and so I came.

With that I blackout. 

I awake to the sound of Olivia getting her morning coffee. The first thing I notice is the horrid smell, overnight I had rotted right along with the diapers and kitchen waste. The smell was overwhelming and nauseating. Overnight the adhesive had worn and my panty gag had fallen out. My face was covered with grime and clearly some shit had leaked out of the diaper as it had dripped all over my face and body. I really must have looked and smelt like trash. 

To my surprises I don’t hear Olivia start breakfast, rather I hear her off in the distance approaching. And so once again the trash can lid opens. Above me is the gorgeous-as-ever Olivia; her face scrunched from the horrid smells of me, the trash and the trash can. 

Then suddenly! A torrent of bathroom garbage comes flying down straight onto my face. Immediately tampons, used toilet paper, pads, wrappers, q-tips, condoms and shit stained panties smother me in their vile content. I felt utterly degraded as I sat here in Olivia's bathroom trash, sitting here joined her panties, panties that were a victim of her IBS. The message was clear to her: I was just another frustration, another mess, another shitty piece of garbage, worthless and single use like a soggy condom. 

Soon enough Olivia returns. Yet, this time she doesn’t throw something in, rather she moves her hand down towards the rim of the can. Freedom I thought and hoped! But these hopes were dashed out immediately.

Instead of rescuing me Olivia reaches for the drawstrings on the bag. Suddenly a massive wave of pressure compressed the trash around me as she drew the strings. The bag went completely dark as Olivia tied the strings into a rough knot. I am now sealed off from the outside world, stuck right here with her garbage. 

Olivia exclaims to herself, “phew that bag was really stinky. Glad its tied up now.”

Then with great force I move upwards as Olivia pulls the bag right on out of the can. I then begin moving as Olivia carries me out of the kitchen, I must be going to the big wheelie bin.

The garage door opens, and so here I was. On my way right back into where Olivia had caught me, hopefully this would be both my arrival and departure point. 

Olivia briefly sets me down as she lifts the wheelie bins lid open. Then in a sudden and nauseating motion I go upwards and then straight down. 

Thud! I land right on into Olivia’s big black trash can. There I am, one step closer to the landfill, naturally I was just another piece of trash destined to be discarded. Unwanted and stinking. 

I hear the garage door close as Olivia leaves and walks away. To her this must have been no different than the many other bags of garbage she had tossed in the trash can 

I didn’t know how to feel, I mean who would. Here I was sitting in Olivia's trash can, helpless, clueless and powerless. All I could do was await whatever Olivia chose to do next - just like the rest of her trash.

My thoughts go in and out as I begin to lose any sense of time or space. All I know is that here I lie with Olivia's trash. The stench grows as the sweet and sour aroma of Olivia's kitchen trash slowly cooks in the mild warmth of her garage.

The waste around me goes from distinct pungent smells to funky stinks of diapers, food waste and bathroom garbage. I must have smelt and looked horrid.

All around me was Olivia's garbage. Pressed against my body was slimy and damp bits of Olivia's meals. Sitting in front of my nose a wet and stinky pantie with hints of her shit. Hanging to my cheek is a well worn condom. 

And so who’s the one fucking Olivia now? Damn she must have moved on fast, but what do I expect, anything’s better than worthless garbage. Whoever her new boyfriend was must have not been a freak, he must have been a real man not some freak. 

Oh how I missed Olivia, her warm touch and kind eyes. But well damn I didn’t deserve to have her love, I’m just some worthless piece of trash who belonged in her trash can. But I guess in some sense I got to experience her love in this can… just from a different perspective, sitting here next to her used soggy condoms.

As I sit here fading in and out of consciousness I hear Olivia going in and out, yet who knows how long I've been in here. But that’s not for me to wonder, I am Olvia’s garbage, sitting in her can until it's time to be picked up and buried. 

My loneliness will soon end, as another bag is carelessly tossed on into the can; the weight on top of me slowly increases as Olivia tosses more bags of her unwanted refuse right on top of me, just like I wasn’t here and I was just a piece in her vast sea of garbage.

Time passes as the smell and texture around me becomes more homogeneous. Just a mush of yuck emitting a noxious and repulsive stench. An odd mixture brewed as new fresher rot mixed with well fermented rot. All of this was made worse by what smelled to be the litter of Olivia's new kitten. There was nothing for me to do but enjoy myself, adding my own sorts of trash juices. I was incredibly bored but it didn't matter, I was an object, I had no desires or ambitions. All I could do was reflect on how I deserve this after all as I blacked in and out.

Smush, I awake to the sound of a trash bag being tossed on top of the many other ones already pressing down upon me. It is the regular routine isn't it? Next came the loud thud as Olivia threw the lid back down as fast as possible, trying to avoid breathing the putrid aromas of her stinky and worthless garbage. 

Yet, the routine is interrupted, the garage door slowly rumbles, then a sudden tilt and a mild thunder as the trash can begins to be rolled by Olivia. Panic sets over me, here I was headed toward the curb, soon my comfortable residency in this can would be interrupted. 

Finally and suddenly the rolling stops, the can comes to a rest with a thud; it is significantly warmer now, much like that first night when I climbed into this very can. Here I was, sitting back at my starting point, at this point I’d given up, Olivia wasn’t going to save me was she? If she was, now would be a great time, end it where it started.

But that’s not what happens to garbage, to let me out would be like littering, letting the garbage loose. Rather I deserved to sit here on the curb ready for pickup and it seems like Olivia agrees as she remarks to herself “Pee-yew this can stinks, glad this garbage is as good as gone, goodbye goopy gross garbage” 

It was over? I was over, the reality set over me, soon I would be compressed and dumped into oblivion. Here I was sitting on the curb, wishing maybe that I could get a second chance. But the reality was clear, I deserved this. I am worthless garbage and I deserve to be thrown away, compacted and buried. 

I was a freak, I looked through and enjoyed garbage. I wore and enjoyed diapers, half the time I smelled like a stinking piece of garbage. Olivia's friends seemed to know it too, they had looked right at me but saw nothing more than garbage, spitting right on in and throwing away their garbage right on top of me. 

Olivia was only doing what was right, taking out the trash. Throwing away that which was worthless, shitty and smelly. To Olivia I was no better than some curdling milk or some carelessly tossed away food scraps. To Olivia and the world I belonged in a landfill, buried away to never be thought of again.

Oh I was worthless and smelly! All I could do is sit here on the curb and wait for what I deserved, sitting here rotting as I slowly exercised the last of my free will pleasuring myself. The world faded away as I resigned to defeat.

It must have been a hundred degrees. Slowly and groggily I awake, the smell of trash hits me as I realize that I am still sitting out here on the curb still. The sun has risen and the summer sun beams down on the many black trash cans sitting on the street awaiting pickup. 

Off in the distance I hear society going on with their daily life as cars zoom by, the regular routine of dogs are walked and the joggers jog on by. Yet to all of them there was no “me” . I was just garbage sitting here in another one of the cans awaiting pickup. I was just another product of their disposable society, sent away to stink and rot. 

Over the past week I had sat here, rotting away just like the now mush of trash that was more or less a part of me. Food waste, diapers, used panties, condoms, me or anything else, it didn’t matter. Olivia didn’t want it and so it was bagged up and thrown to the curb. 

And so finally my fate hard arrived, the rumble and screech of the trash truck moved down the street. The cycle of the hydraulics and engines as the truck carelessly packed away peoples worthless trash. 

Screech the truck arrives. Here I sit, nothing more than just another piece of garbage sitting in a bag, ready to be tossed into a garbage truck. I wasn’t even considered Olivia’s anymore, here I was sitting on her curb, considered as “abandoned” and soon to join the trillions of other pounds of abandoned and unwanted property. That is what I am, worthless and unwanted. 

A jolt of energy comes upon the trash can as I am carelessly yanked from the curb towards the truck sitting there grumbling in the street. Then I feel it, the arm latches onto the trash can, the truck whirls as I am forcefully tilted over and with a crash I land on the other bags sitting here waiting to be compacted. 

To my surprise a sudden dash of light appears from amidst the darkness of the bag. Clearly something had made a small gash in the side of the bag. In perfect view I could see out the back of the rear loader and right there was Olivia… smiling as she happily looked on at the turk. Standing there embracing her, was what appeared to be her new boyfriend, a mild jealousy set over me. Yet before I can fully process it all, the arm whirls again and a big nasty load of trash bags is dumped right on top of me. 

Back in the darkness I am left to smell and feel my surroundings. On top of me a mass of what appears to be a family's stinking trash bags presses down on me. Kitchen bags of uneaten and soggy food, diapers, used clothes, tissues, and torn up stuffed animals suffocate the already striking air. 

Yet as I process my surroundings I am completely oblivious to the whirling and reloading of the hydraulics. Suddenly as mass pressure overcomes the bags sitting here in the rear loader, it must have been the packer. 

Bags pop and what was a pile of distinct trash bags of different homes becomes a compressed heap. Slowly but surely the heap is pressed into the larger heap of other garbage. Splattered across my face is a mush of Olivia's food waste, as I struggle to breathe I gasp for air from my mouth. Clearly a poor decision as her shitty panties end up in my mouth and what seems to be half a condom. 

The screeching and rumbling continues as the truck conquers suburbia and all its worthless garbage, one street at a time. Almost rhythmically the packer continues its cycle, packing one load of bags into the next. I am left to do nothing but ride along as the pressure increases with each additional packing cycle. 

The stench, for lack of a better term, funkifies, as more and more trash is added to the heap. Whatever it was it didn’t matter, just like me it was unwanted and a mere disposable object meant to be thrown away. The mush of organic waste along with the stench and paper goods of bathroom goods creates an odd slurry that oozes and spreads throughout the trash heap. In no way am I somehow different, I too am a piece of worthless garbage a mere part of the heap. bound by pressure and the funky, stinky slurry. 

Eventually the cycle stops as the truck rumbles along the highway, here I sit, worthless, discarded and riding along with a community's unwanted garbage bound for the landfill away from people's precious neighbors and pretty houses. Garbage, what a vile by-product of society, its only fitting place was to be buried away in the dirt. Forever out of sight, forever out of mind, there was no reason for Olvia to care what happened, she tossed me away, tied me up and beyond that for all she cared her gross garbage was just gone from the curb. 

The truck's pace slows and the air is filled with sounds of other garbage trucks joined by the beeping of other heavy machinery. Slowly but surely I hear the truck's engine whine as it trudges up what I can only assume to be a dirt path. 

Then after what felt like forever the truck stops, the packer blade is cycled once at immense pressure, presumably to ensure the rear hopper was empty. This is then followed by a loud whirring as the hydraulics spur to life accompanied by a sudden release in pressure, the tailgate being lifted wide open. 

The truck whirls up again as one on one side the bags stop pressing up against me, I then feel the wall of bags being pushed out by the discharge plate. I too begin being pushed by the massive force of the plate. 

My eyes are suddenly blinded as glimpses of bright light penetrate into the gash in the bag, then thud! As I unceremoniously fall out the back onto the pile of the other stinking bags, the freedom of fresh air and light is dashed out almost immediately as a metric ton of bags and loose garbage comes down upon me. 

Muffled off in the distance is the ambient beeping, chugging, whirling and rumbling of other trucks and machines. After some time I am swiftly and briefly moved sideways as I am pushed along by the landfill compactors blade, but suddenly a massive pressure unlike any other overcomes me as I and the pile of garbage around me is compressed under the massive spikes of the compactors wheels. What once was a massive pile of residential trash is now spread and flattened. 

Here I lie, just a part of the landfill's next cell of trash. Joined by thousands of other households and their unwanted, stinking, worthless garbage. Time passes as all around me other piles of garbage are dumped, pushed and flattened.

As the day winds down another massive force overcomes me, as dirt is poured over the many flattened cells of garbage. Yet again the massive force of a compactor rolls over me, I am now truly buried away, forgotten about, thrown away by Olivia and destined to never see the light of day again.

Here I was, buried away, smelling, decomposing, surrounded by paper plates, diapers, panties, old clothes, rotting food, liquids, condoms, tampons and a crap ton of other unwanted things. All of it was undesirable, gone to society and not one person caring, here I was buried forever, never to be touched by society again.

And It was what I deserved. As a worthless piece of garbage I deserve to be thrown away, compacted and buried. I was a freak,only garbage likes garbage and so that’s what I was.

Everyone seemed to know it, Olvia’s girlies did nothing to save me, because when they looked in the trash can they just saw garbage that was awaiting them to throw their unwanted scraps right on top. It was only right of Olivia to throw me away, she had caught me in her can, a piece of trash that had gotten away after she dumped me, and so this litter critter belonged here, out of Olivia's way, buried well and far away from her.

Rotting, stinking and decomposing, here I would lie for eternity, nobody would remember me, within weeks Olivia's had completely forgotten about me, to her I was just another just another gross piece of garbage in a big fat bag of stinky bag, like the many others she had thrown away before. Here I would sit amongst society's garbage for eternity, it was only right, I had been caught.


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