Climb in, close up the bag and wait for the garbage truck!
Warning! - The images and story related texts are presented here on this website as a fantasy only and should in no way be replicated by anyone. Any attempt to reproduce any of the scenes presented here either in text or picture form could result in serious injury or death. Under NO circumstances should you attempt to copy or emulate the fantasy scenes shown on this website.
Latest Stories
- 7 Days in Star's TrashStar Ryder & Dusty
F/m; bagged; trash; hum; punish; messy; drug; mast; burn; urine; dungeon; X-frame; blindfold; buttplug; strapon; bond; cuffs; extreme; reluct; XXX
25.01.25 - Lockdown LoversDumpsterLife and Landfill_Racoon
MF; F+/f; mpov; fpov; bagged; bin; mast; caught; hum; messy; dumped; dumpster; sex; garbagetruck; compactor; compacted; disposal; landfill; transported; tape; cons; nc; XX
11.01.25 - CaughtUnwanted Trash
F/m; F+/m; mpov; trash; trashcan; mast; caught; hum; messy; food; object; disposal; garbage; truck; compacted; landfill; reluct; cons; XXX
329 Stories
Trashbagging is where people love to enclose themselves; be enclosed or enclose someone else in plastic garbage bags (or several), they love the feel of the smooth, slippery plastic. Sometimes involving breath-play, others more into messy situations with food or garbage thrown in with them.
The fantasy may also involve being placed in a trashcan; garbage-bin or dumpster, to await their fate at the hands of the garbage truck...
Trashcan Stories - contains stories of people as garbage or their desire to become mere trash or used as trash, being enclosed in trash bags, stored, dumped or having trash thrown on them including messy play. The stories contain situations where people are objectified into garbage using bags, trashcans and dumpsters.
Recent Stories
- No recent stories
- Shokolada's Mess!
Messy and Trashbagging stories. Two great kinks that go great together!
- Shokolada's Trashbag FAQ
Do's & Don't of Trash play. Play Safe & Live another day!
- Trashbagging Livejournal
Online community for lovers of Trashbagging. A little spot for folks who think that trash bags make great bedding, clothing, or temporary storage places for their partners or themselves
- Trashmouse Livejournal
Trashmouses' own livejournal. Read stories, thoughts etc.
- Trashbagbondage
New site dealing with young girls packed in trash bags, mummified, wrapped up, completely helpless & gagged.
- Encasement Pervs LiveJournal
Free online community for fans of full-body bondage & restrictive clothes.
- Packaged Stories
Stories outlining the practice of binding or placing a person into a container like a box, chest, crate, bag, sack or suitcase. The person inside becomes an object for the sole pleasure of the owner of the package, they may be transported, stored, moved or delivered as a package.