Trashcan Stories by Title
Warning! - The images and story related texts are presented here on this website as a fantasy only and should in no way be replicated by anyone. Any attempt to reproduce any of the scenes presented here either in text or picture form could result in serious injury or death. Under NO circumstances should you attempt to copy or emulate the fantasy scenes shown on this website.
- AfterpartyTeaSer
Solo-F; party; dumpster; foam; encase; waste; messy; stuck; mast; M/f; photo; hum; strip; trashbags; cartrunk; cons/reluct; X
10.07.16 - Almost PackedJerry Tiedinabag
M+/mf; wrap; bond; bagged; transport; disposal; truck; caught; stuck; cons; X
03.10.06 - Alone on the BalconyMélodie
Solo-F; bagged; paper; Sbf; rope; gag; toys; insert; outdoors; fantasy; carried; dumped; trashcan; caught; emb; cons/reluct; X
08.12.09 - Amy's Pleasures: Fun in the CompactorDumpsterLife
Solo-F; naked; compactor; waste; trash; messy; mast; compacted; buried; caught; M/f; tease; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
13.10.19 - Anniversary DumpDoctor Vader
M/f; MF/f; bond; gag; bagged; trash; dumpster; truck; landfill; toys; insert; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
21.02.13 - Another Bag In The PileShokolada
F+/m; bagged; trashcan; gag; bond; discovery; sex; oral; climax; cons; X
03.02.13 - Automart64Fordman
MM/f; Machine/f; cuffs; hogtie; messy; bagged; trash; dumpster; compacted; dumped; truck; landfill; rescue; nc; X
29.01.17 - Back to the TrashcanRiptieron
Sbm; wrap; toys; mast; climax; trash; food; messy; stuck; dumpster; truck; transport; dumped; landfill; buried; cons/nc; XX
09.08.06 - BaggedCarnaj
F/m; sex; climax; bond; rope; gag; collar; bagged; tease; shock; messy; cart; dumped; street; collected; cons/reluct; X
30.09.08 - Bagged & BurnedGarbage Girl
Solo-F; M/f; bond; gag; chain; bagged; trash; trashcan; truck; compacted; transport; loader; incinerator; death; climax; cons; XX
25.02.14 - Bagged Toymalus_infantia
F+/m; D/s; club; maid; bond; gag; drug; bdsm; sex; bagged; dumpster; truck; disposal; landfill; buried; toys; climax; cons; XX
23.10.11 - Bagged UpChryslerman
F/m; D/s; naked; bond; tape; gag; bagged; enclosed; trunk; truck; disposal; landfill; cons/nc; XX
31.03.03 - Bagging a RoomatePhil
F/f; naked; bond; gag; balltie; bagged; messy; party; trash; stuck; mast; cons/reluct; X
04.02.07 - Becoming TrashTrash Mouse
M/f; furry; naked; bagged; transport; dumped; potion; spell; transform; trash; truck; compacted; sex; cons; X
11.12.07 - Belinda's Garbage RunGromet
solo/f; wetsuit; dumpster; messy; truck; collected; compression; dumped; landfill; buried; mast; climax; cons; X
31.03.06 - The Best Summer of My LifeTrashy Trashbag
M/m; femboi; tease; drug; wrap; mum; bagged; trash; dumpster; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
03.05.09 - Bin NightBagme69
F/m; bagged; bond; zipties; gag; trash; messy; mast; toys; sex; reluct/cons; X
29.11.09 - The Bins Next DoorBinboy
Solo-M; Sbm; bagged; gag; hood; tape; dumpster; trash; foodwaste; encase; locks; stuck; cons/nc; X
19.11.08 - 2
Solo-M; bagged; gag; hood; tape; trash; foodwaste; dumpster; stuck; encase; truck; disposal; compactor; suffocate; cons/nc; XX
14.04.09 - A 'Birthday' Treat!Shokolada
F/m; bagged; sealed; messy; foodstuff; encase; trashcan; kerbside; mast; climax; true; cons; X
00.02.09 - Blue Ribbon ChiliJo
M/f; contest; spy; tricked; trashcan; garbage; sauce; foodwaste; messy; stuck; revenge; reluct/nc; X
21.03.11 - Bound n BaggedGromet
M/f; lingerie; tease; wrap; tape; balltie; bagged; gag; oral; climax; trash; garage; buried; cons; X
10.07.10 - Britney’s BaggingJayJay
F/f; FM+/f; D/s; bond; collar; cuffs; chain; bagged; messy; dumpster; trash; landfill; stuck; boxed; display; foodwaste; buried; disposal; cons/nc; XX
00.04.09 - Business Tripdiapered_binman
Solo-M; trash; compacted; dumpster; mast; orgasm; messy; death; cons; XX
16.03.20 - Can It!Shokolada
F/f; maid; caught; punish; gag; bagged; trashcan; messy; reluct/nc; X
04.12.11 - CaughtUnwanted Trash
F/m; F+/m; mpov; trash; trashcan; mast; caught; hum; messy; food; object; disposal; garbage; truck; compacted; landfill; reluct; cons; XXX
06.10.24 - Caught in the DumpsterItalian2525
Solo-M; F+/m; trashbags; dumpster; caught; hum; tease; compactor; force; trash; mast; climax; cons/reluct; XX
03.10.06 - Celebrating the Trash BagTrashy Trashbag
Solo-M; bag; garbage; enclosure; bagged; trash; true; cons; X
21.03.11 - Cheap Holiday's are RubbishRestricted
MF; M/mf; holiday; show; hypno; bagged; transport; dumped; stuck; landfill; buried; cons/reluct; XXX
10.05.06 - Cleaning the RoomGarbage Girl
F+/f; bond; gag; bagged; messy; trash; waste; stuck; kerbside; truck; garbage; collected; disposal; cons/reluct; X
06.07.14 - College Dumpster DiveS M Ackerman
Solo-F; chastity; denial; Sbf; naked; cuffs; gag; bagged; dumpster; college; toys; insert; stuck; cons; X
08.07.10 - The College ShortcutBinboy
M+/m; captive; revenge; bond; gag; tape; wrap; dumpster; bag; foodwaste; trash; stuck; cons/nc; XX
20.05.09 - 2
M+/m; captive; revenge; bond; gag; tape; wrap; dumpster; bag; foodwaste; trash; stuck; mast; climax; truck; disposal; suffocate; cons/nc; XXX
21.09.09 - Cuckold Conspiracy to TrashJothesmo
F/m; FM/m; cast; encase; cbt; zipties; drug; bodymod; cuckold; dumpster; trash; truck; landfill; buried; stuck; mast; reluct/nc; XX
17.02.10 - Cuckold GarbageTraitor
F/m; FM; bond; rope; bagged; garbage; messy; trashbags; dumpster; disposal; compactor; cuckold; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
02.09.14 - Cum or GoUnknown
F/m; D/s; bond; bagged; breathplay; dumped; compactor; disposal; oral; mast; climax; cons; X
15.04.10 - Curse ReversedVicki Panties M
Solo-M; dumpster; trash; bag; enclosed; buried; public; cons; X
- The DateSchattenrose Miriam
MF; M+/f; lingerie; restaurant; blindfold; gag; strip; oral; breast; bond; rope; dumpster; trash; messy; buried; stuck; truck; disposal; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
28.04.14 - Dirty Filthy SexS M Ackerman
Sbf; naked; outdoors; trash; boxed; dumped; messy; caught; blackmail; cons; X
15.04.10 - Disposable SlaveItalian2525
F/m; D/s; femdom; public; hum; foot; panties; garbage; bagged; trashcan; disposal; compactor; oral; denial; climax; cons/reluct; XX
06.10.13 - Disposed OfDumpsterLife
FM/f; party; clean; trash; bag; chute; dumped; dumpster; stuck; messy; vibe; mast; hum; truck; collected; transported; compacted; landfill; rescue; cons/nc; X
20.05.18 - 2
FM+/f; plan; revenge; kidnap; bond; cuffs; tape; naked; transported; dumpster; messy; trash; stuck; torment; vibe; cons/nc; X
18.08.18 - 3: Hell For Danielle
FM+/f; revenge; bond; tape; gag; naked; dumpster; messy; force; trash; stuck; torment; truck; collection; transported; landfill; buried; vibe; cons/nc; X
30.09.18 - Diving goes WrongMorton Mork
Solo-M; F/m; dumpster; trash; messy; compactor; stuck; caught; hum; trashbags; cons; X
02.10.12 - Dollie Gets DumpedDisposee
M/f; prepare; bond; gag; boxed; sold; object; sexdoll; used; discarded; compacted; trash; kerbside; cons/nc; XX
23.10.18 - Double Stuffedcrushedwithdiapers
F/m; trash; bagged; dumped; truck; messy; mast; climax; cons; X
19.09.21 - Do You Really Have to Get Up?Doctor Vader
M/f; naked; bond; tape; gag; toys; insert; blindfold; bagged; messy; cartrunk; dumped; disposal; cons; X
29.03.13 - Drama Club's GarbageK C
MF+/f; capture; bond; bagged; trash; messy; foodwaste; gum; trashcan; hum; dumpster; disposal; cons/nc; X
14.09.07 - Dumpedmalus_infantia
F+/m; bond; bagged; tape; transport; compactor; dumped; sex; mast; cons/nc; X
17.11.10 - Dumped on my Birthdaytrash is me
F/m; tape; bond; bagged; messy; trashcan; gag; garbage; cons; X
08.03.11 - Dumping A Love RivalDumpsterLife
F/f; shoppingmall; revenge; trash; dumped; messy; naked; video; confession; compactor; garbage; compacted; transport; landfill; buried; nc; X
03.01.18 - Dumping the SlutDumpsterLife and Kaylee
M/f; naked; bond; tape; trashbags; trashcan; waste; messy; gag; toys; insert; oral; mast; cum; dumpster; disposal; collection; truck; compactor; landfill; cons/reluct; X
20.05.19 - Dumpster Diving With My GirlfriendLonelyDumpster
MF; trash; dumpster; compacted; sex; messy; cons; X
24.02.20 - Dumpster Playsealed up good
M+/m; spandex; bagged; bond; tape; gag; dumpster; oral; mast; true; cons; X
18.12.11 - Dumpster SeductionTrash Mouse
Solo-F; furry; naked; public; dumpster; mast; bag; truck; collected; compactor; caught; M/f; sex; climax; cons; X
22.04.09 - Dumpster Slut: A Love StoryGarbage Lover
Solo-M; Solo-F; M/f; dumpster; caught; bagged; bond; trash; foodwaste; insert; mast; oral; sex; cons; X
11.08.10 - Dumpster StoriesQuackenbushe
Solo-M; dumpster; trash; bag; voy; mast; cons; X
24.01.11 - Each Part BaggedLckdnrbbr
Sbm; latex; enclosure; bagged; object; stuck; toys; cons; X
30.08.20 - Escape From PrisonDumpsterLife
Solo-F; prison; dumpster; escape; trash; truck; collection; compacted; messy; stuck; landfill; MF/f; caught; punishment; hum; cons/nc; X
23.02.19 - Every Precaution Is TakenShokolada
Solo-F; bagged; pile; naked; discovery; F/f; dumped; compactor; mast; climax; cons; X
03.10.11 - Eviction NoticePegusas
M/f; Sbf; bagged; latex; toys; caught; stuck; garbage; truck; mast; climax; cons/nc; XX
30.04.11 - Family GarbagePhil
F/f; bond; bagged; gagged; messy; trashcan; store; cons; X
09.12.06 - Fantasy Onejejzie
Solo-M; store; tape; fetish; fantasy; F+/m; bond; cuffs; hood; toys; electrostim; insert; trashbags; bagged; dumpster; tease; torment; denial; urine; strapon; climax; cons; X
04.07.17 - A Fantasy that went too farlatex-sub
Solo-M; hood; gag; straps; dumpster; stuck; transport; landfill; buried; cons/nc; XX
09.01.08 - Finding the Right Trash Mistresstrash is me
Solo-M; F/m; bagged; naked; trash; discovery; messy; garbage; truck; disposal; mast; cons; X
19.07.13 - 2
F/m; D/s; bagged; naked; trash; messy; garbage; truck; compacted; carwash; cons; X
08.08.13 - 3
F/m; D/s; naked; bdsm; whip; bond; trashcan; bagged; messy; garbage; outdoors; hum; cons; X
16.09.13 - 4
F+/m; D/s; naked; bond; trashcan; bagged; messy; garbage; transport; compactor; encase; cons; X
06.10.13 - 5
F/m; D/s; naked; bond; bagged; messy; garbage; compactor; encase; stuck; femdom; cons; X
19.10.13 - First TimeAnonymous
F/m; naked; wrap; saranwrap; tape; balltie; gag; bagged; trash; messy; dumpster; stuck; lesbian; cons; X
24.11.06 - The Flat PartyPegusas
F/f; strip; naked; bond; gag; bagged; trashbags; garbage; messy; disposal; dumpster; cons/nc; X
04.07.17 - For the Moneymalus_infantia
Solo-F; bin; collection; bagged; trash; diapers; compacted; XXX; cons
12.11.19 - Found BaggedGromet
Sbm; F/m; leather; cuffs; gag; collar; bagged; kitchen; caught; trash; dumped; object; discarded; outdoors; cons/reluct; X
06.02.07 - Frat Party GarbageDangle
F/m; M+/m; college; frat; party; alcohol; chatup; caught; bully; strip; panties; bra; hum; force; anal; mast; oral; bond; climax; trashbags; bagged; kerbside; collected; truck; cons/nc; XX
02.07.16 - From Fantasy To RealityDumpsterLife
Solo-F; naked; trashbags; toys; insert; mast; cardboard; box; F/f; disposal; trashcan; kerbside; collection; truck; transported; transfer-station; M/f; discovery; hum; cons/reluct; X
08.06.19 - Fun DayUnknown
F/m; naked; bond; balltie; gag; bagged; zipties; sealed; breathplay; tease; cons; X
- Garbage Collection DelayTraitor
M/f; naked; toys; insert; bond; rope; gag; bagged; garbage; messy; trashbags; dumped; transport; disposal; climax; cons/nc; XX
09.09.14 - Garbage DayUnknown
MF/m; D/s; naked; bond; gag; bagged; trash; compacted; disposal; truck; oral; climax; nc/cons; XXX
17.02.06 - Girl's Night Party TrashTobe Trashy
F+/m; tape; saranwrap; balltie; bagged; encase; party; foodwaste; messy; buried; garbage; trash; trashcan; objectify; tease; stuck; denial; cons; X
06.03.18 - Giving Her What She WantedDoctor Vader
M/f; gag; wrap; saranwrap; cocoon; transport; dumpster; truck; mast; denial; anal; climax; cons; X
29.03.13 - Go GreenOffice
M/f; captive; bagged; bond; breast; frogtie; gag; force; forniphilia; objectify; messy; public; hum; wam; nc/reluct; XX
24.08.12 - Gold DiggerJo
Solo-M; M/f; capture; naked; zipties; trashcan; messy; transport; outdoors; nc; X
28.11.11 - Gone with the BinRestricted
M/f; bond; bin; Sbf; cuffs; stuck; cons; X
00.00.09 - Goodbye GarbageJcoop
F/m; naked; bond; hogtie; zipties; tape; gag; trashbags; vacuum; breathplay; tease; torment; cartrunk; dumpster; disposal; buried; suffocate; death; cons/nc; XX
16.08.17 - Good CitizenTammy Murfin
Solo-M; discovery; dumpster; Solo-F; naked; trashplay; compactor; garbage; disposal; compression; stuck; cons; X
02.07.16 - Group TherapyDoctor Vader
M/f+; bond; bagged; trash; messy; compactor; dumpster; landfill; transport; dumped; cons/nc; XX
10.06.12 - Half BakedJo
M/f; bowl; mix; sugar; flour; messy; dough; oven; bake; compactor; dumped; revenge; nc; X
28.11.11 - The Halloween DecorationTobe Trashy
F/m; strip; naked; bond; tape; wrap; mitts; balltie; trashbags; bagged; object; outdoors; public; decoration; stuck; cons/nc; X
30.10.17 - Her Desire to be TrashJordan Laine
M+/f; threesome; bisexual; fantasy; bagged; trash; arousal; objectify; trashcan; MM; disposal; conveyor; waste; machine; voy; surprise; switch; trick; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
20.05.19 - Her PunishmentVanessa
F/m; F+/m; D/s; insert; fem; maid; diapers; hum; latex; messy; bagged; trashcan; mast; climax; cons; X
04.09.11 - Hiding PlaceBob
Solo-M; F+/m; bond; bagged; trash; disposal; dumpster; pickup; transport; dumped; dozer; pit; cons; X
05.11.05 - Holiday CleanupCompacted
Sbm; gag; trashcan; bagged; stuck; F/m; transport; disposal; compactor; cons/nc; XX
30.12.09 - Home Sweet DumpsterVicki Panties
F/m; dumpster; trash; enclosed; bagged; buried; mast; locks; stuck; cons; X
20.11.05 - 2
F/m; dumpster; trash; enclosed; bagged; truck; compactor; buried; landfill; stuck; cons/nc; XXX
- Human GarbageTeaSer
Solo-F; M/f; bond; trash; bagged; gag; bin; enclosed; public; messy; hum; cons; X
16.03.12 - I'll Forgive You In the MorningDoctor Vader
MF/f; bond; straps; collar; gag; bagged; trash; messy; transport; dumpster; revenge; reluct/nc; X
28.01.12 - The Ins and Outs of Dumpster DivingTrashy Trashbag
Solo-M; dumpster; trashbags; true; essay; cons; X
02.01.09 - Into the Car Compactorfancysox
F+/m; D/s; bond; gag; captive; transport; junkyard; compactor; cons/reluct; X
24.01.11 - I Promised YouDoctor Vader
Solo-F; M/f; naked; trashcan; caught; punish; hum; bagged; messy; bond; gag; trashed; insert; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
21.01.12 - It's Trash DayShokolada
F/m; bond; wrap; bagged; trashed; cons; X
05.11.05 - I was CompactedRiptieron
F+/m; naked; dumpster; diapers; glue; compactor; stuck; cons; X
- Janitor's GarbageK C
M/f; bond; bagged; trash; dumped; disposal; nc/reluct; X
14.09.07 - Jennifer's Trashfemboy in a dumpster
F/f; D/s; naked; footrub; voy; caught; F+/m; strip; hum; diapers; enslave; sex; climax; punish; toys; insert; trashcan; garbage; stuck; compactor; collected; landfill; cons/reluct; XX
09.05.17 - Jessica and the Garbage PlantDirty Trashbag Girl
M+/f; capture; bagged; bond; trash; sorted; dumpster; messy; nc; X
27.04.10 - Jessie's JourneyDumpsterLife and Trash girl
Solo-M; sexbot; sex; disposal; dumpster; trash; messy; torment; stuck; collection; truck; compactor; conveyor; discovery; rescue; cons/nc; X
20.05.19 - Julies Best TimeRiptieron
Solo-F; dumpster; trash; bag; nude; insert; compacted; climax; cons; X
10.07.11 - Julie's Trash TimeTrash Girl / 64Fordman
F/f; trash; trashcan; bagged; messy; compacted; dumped; majick; transform; cons/nc; X
02.04.17 - 2
F/f; Other/f+; majick; transform; trash; vacuum; bag; bin; messy; bond; damsel; rope; gag; hogtie; roleplay; tickle; genie; cons; X
27.04.17 - 3
F/f; Other/f; majick; transform; object; trash; bag; bin; truck; collected; messy; compacted; dumped; landfill; cons; X
25.07.17 - Juliette's Garbage PartySiobhann
F+/fm; latex; catsuit; captive; bond; zipties; gag; bagged; dumpster; truck; compacted; trash; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
26.10.12 - Just a GameDoctor Vader
Sbf; F/f; cuffs; gag; latex; trashcan; outdoors; caught; captive; bagged; bond; rope; transport; dumpster; disposal; cons/nc; X
14.05.12 - Kidnapped: The DisposalTrashydiaperedman
MF+/m; kidnap; diapers; crib; inf; fetish; drug; messy; compactor; dumped; truck; landfill; cons/nc; X
08.08.13 - Kinky Car CrusherDisposee
F/f+; junkyard; forklift; car; transport; machine; crush; compacted; climax; death; cons; XX
23.10.18 - The LandfillDoctor Vader
F+/f; bond; gag; blindfold; tape; oildrum; encase; transport; dumped; buried; nc; XX
28.01.12 - The LandfillTrashydiaperedman
Solo-M; FM+/m; landfill; diapers; trashcan; bagged; objectify; disposal; buried; entomb; death; cons; XX
23.08.15 - Late Night Dumpster DateGarbage Lover
Solo-M; bagged; dumpster; garbage; messy; cons; X
22.11.09 - Linda's out with the Diaper Trashmalus_infantia
F/f; capture; bond; bin; diapers; messy; bagged; dumped; compacted; revenge; nc; XXX
17.11.10 - Littering is a CrimeTraitor
MF+/f; court; punish; bond; rope; bagged; garbage; messy; public; trashbags; dumpster; cartrunk; truck; disposal; mast; climax; reluct; X
17.09.14 - Living The Dreamcrushedwithdiapers
F/m; sex; cuffs; chain; trash; truck; compacted; stuck; messy; wam; rom; cons; X
10.03.21 - Lockdown LoversDumpsterLife and Landfill_Racoon
MF; F+/f; mpov; fpov; bagged; bin; mast; caught; hum; messy; dumped; dumpster; sex; garbagetruck; compactor; compacted; disposal; landfill; transported; tape; cons; nc; XX
- Man becomes Gorgeous Women's GarbageItalian2525
F/m; D/s; trash; foot; compacted; cons/nc; XX
17.02.06 - Marge's RubbishRestricted
Sbm; bagged; trashcan; outdoors; caught; F/m; tape; disposal; cons/nc; X
00.01.10 - Marie Spending a Day in a BinTeaSer
Solo-F; bond; tape; gag; trash; enclosed; messy; stuck; hum; cons; X
19.07.11 - Marissa's Bad DecisionTraitor
Solo-F; bagged; trash; messy; trashcan; insert; bond; gag; MF; kerbside; stuck; truck; transport; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
13.10.14 - A Matter of TimeJcoop
F/fm; D/s; F/m; bond; cuffs; zipties; collar; trashbags; closet; buried; tricked; mast; suffocate; cons/nc; death; XX
16.08.17 - Mean GirlsJackie Rabbit
FM; F+/f; M+/f; bond; tape; bagged; dumped; susp; revenge; hum; sex; anal; cons/nc; X
24.04.11 - Mean GirlsGarbage Girl
Solo-F; F+/f; revenge; capture; bond; gag; trashbags; messy; dumpster; bagged; disposal; truck; collected; compactor; conveyor; rescue; nc; X
16.02.16 - Melodie's First TimeMélodie
Solo-F; bagged; dumpster; gag; first; outdoors; dream; cons; X
00.10.09 - Messing up the Public OfficeTeaSer
Solo-F; office; trash; bag; stuck; enclosed; messy; strip; discovery; hum; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
02.07.16 - Mind & BodyDoctor Vader
F/f; hypno; command; tease; torment; voy; hum; oral; mast; compactor; messy; revenge; reluct/nc; X
20.07.12 - Mistress's TrashBlzebub
F/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; bagged; trash; dumped; compacted; cons; XX
13.11.09 - Moretta Stultified her MasterSchattenrose Miriam
M/f; M+/f; D/s; naked; bond; rope; susp; display; tease; torment; bdsm; whip; nipple; gag; bagged; hood; truck; disposal; landfill; cons/reluct; XX
28.04.14 - A Most Fitting EndingLobo De la Sombra
MF; M+/mf; mansion; robbery; force; strip; bond; gag; machine; scan; robots; program; trashbags; encase; disposal; dumpster; cons/nc; X
18.05.16 - Motherly LoveTrashy Canadian
F/f; garbage; naked; mast; incest; tape; bond; gag; balltie; bagged; truck; transported; messy; collected; landfill; XX
16.08.21 - My Daddy - My HeroTammy Murfin
Solo-F; trashcan; bag; garbage; mast; kerbside; collected; truck; compactor; stuck; rescue; cons/reluct; X
10.07.15 - My DreamMike
F+/m; bagged; vacuum; breathplay; compactor; cons/nc; XX
17.02.06 - My Garbage Contents: Metrash is me
F/m; voy; capture; force; tape; wrap; bagged; trashcan; truck; transport; compacted; dumped; femdom; reluct/cons; X
02.07.13 - My Garbage. Contents: YouEmma
F/m; intruder; capture; tape; bond; bagged; trash; messy; trashcan; truck; disposal; voy; cons/nc; XX
14.06.13 - My Mistress Took Out the GarbageVeronica Vinyl
F/m; D/s; bdsm; bagged; dumpster; cons; X
06.03.07 - My New Trashy SlaveMaster Panthros
M/f; D/s; bond; bdsm; bagged; messy; trash; toys; cons; XX
26.03.09 - My Night in the DumpsterVicki Panties
Solo-M; dumpster; trash; bag; enclosed; public; cons; X
05.11.05 - Needing MoreJordan Laine
M/f; fantasy; arousal; bond; gag; trashbags; bagged; disposal; dumpster; objectify; rescue; mast; oral; sex; climax; truck; collection; compactor; facility; incinerator; change; desert; resign; cons/reluct; X
03.06.19 - The Neighbor's SecretLckdnrbbr
Solo-M; caught; F/m; plastic; trash; trashcan; object; cons; X
31.03.08 - 2: Spring Cleaning
F/m; plastic; trash; trashcan; object; breathplay; mast; cons; X
- Newspaper BoyPaul Jones
M+/m; capture; bond; bagged; tape; gag; trashcan; nc; X
13.06.10 - 2
M+/m; kidnap; captive; bond; tape; gag; transport; breathplay; bagged; nc; XX
19.07.11 - A Night I Won't Soon ForgetDesolate Mistral
Solo-M; F/f; FM/f; basement; discovery; caught; bagged; naked; trashbags; vacuum; tease; mast; oral; climax; cons; X
21.10.15 - 2
FM/f; F+/m; FF; basement; discovery; bagged; naked; trashbags; vacuum; disposal; truck; collected; hopper; compacted; transport; tease; mast; oral; climax; cons; X
02.05.16 - Noisy NeighbourTammy Murfin
M+/f; group; voy; bagged; balltie; compacted; buried; landfill; death; nc; XXX
30.11.20 - Not Needed Any MoreTK
MF+/m; slave; bond; bagged; trashcan; messy; foodstuff; waste; trash; hum; disposal; dumped; truck; compacted; cons/nc; XX
02.04.17 - Not Quite as I PlannedDesolate Mistral
Solo-M; trashbags; dumpster; encase; trash; mast; truck; collection; compacted; stuck; transport; cons/reluct; X
21.05.16 - Now That's Just ColdTammy Murfin
M/f; waste; clothing; accident; fall; naked; trashcan; bagged; toys; insert; stuck; kerbside; collection; truck; compactor; crush; cons/nc; XX
10.07.16 - Of My Trash FetishTrashy Trashbag
Solo-M; bag; trash; dumpster; true; essay; cons; X
17.12.08 - One Damp NightUnknown
F/m; bagged; breathplay; vacuum; dumped; nc; XX
06.03.07 - One Way TripTammy Murfin
F/fm+; M/f; FM+/m; brothel; slave; breathplay; suffocate; punish; wrap; bond; disposal; dumpster; transport; dumped; sewer; cons/nc; XX
02.09.14 - Oops Wrong BinStu
Solo-F; MF; F/m; neighbours; bond; naked; saranwrap; tape; trashbags; bagged; garbage; messy; encase; punish; denial; toys; mast; climax; cons; X
13.12.17 - 2
F+/m; FF; bond; naked; tape; zipties; trashbags; bagged; garbage; messy; smell; diapers; encase; trashcan; punish; torment; stuck; plan; kerbside; switch; rom; lesbian; sex; climax; cons; XX
24.01.18 - Out of the Can and into the FireDoctor Vader
Solo-F; M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; bagged; trashcan; mast; caught; transport; dumped; revenge; cons/nc; X
06.08.12 - Out with the OldDirty Trashbag Girl
Solo-F; trashcan; bag; trash; messy; stuck; truck; dumped; cons; X
- Packaged PrincipalGrace
Solo-M; dumpster; trash; messy; caught; F/m; waste; compactor; pit; cons/nc; XX
28.06.10 - The PayoutLckdnrbbr
F/m; femdom; latex; catsuit; bond; collar; enclosure; bagged; trashcan; object; oral; sex; climax; stuck; cons; X
21.11.12 - Penny's PerilShokolada
F/f; D/s; pvc; bond; bagged; messy; transport; compacted; cons/reluct; X
07.08.07 - Performance ReviewTammy Murfin
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; diapers; trash; waste; compactor; conveyor; encase; disposal; sex; climax; cons; X
17.09.14 - The Plan for Dumping HimUnknown
F/m; D/s; bagged; boxed; dumped; compactor; dumpster; trash; cons/nc; X
27.04.10 - Plastic PartnersDreamkissed
Solo-F; naked; dumpster; trashbags; mast; FF; bagged; tg; tease; kiss; sex; climax; cons; X
03.11.14 - Play Garbage Games, Win Garbage Prizesmalus_infantia
bagged; death; dumpster; garbage; truck; compacted; cons; nc; XXX
05.09.20 - Playtime with LindaGromet
F/m; M/f; bond; bagged; trash; messy; enclosed; dumped; compactor; mast; cons; X
28.11.10 - The Porn ShootDumpsterLife
Solo-F; actress; filmset; M+/f; naked; bond; tape; gag; dumpster; trashbags; discovery; oral; sex; climax; accident; truck; collection; messy; compacted; landfill; rescue; cons/nc; X
08.11.18 - Pranked by my BoyfriendStu & Trash Girl
Solo-F; mast; fantasy; caught; M/f; bond; cuffs; belt; balltie; trashbags; garbage; messy; bagged; trashcan; encase; kerbside; truck; collection; transport; landfill; sex; climax; cons; X
28.10.17 - The Progression of ThingsTerry
F/m; D/s; bond; wrap; bagged; trashcan; trash; messy; outdoors; dumped; buried; cons/nc; X
00.10.09 - Putting the Past Behind HerDisposee
F/m; relationship; breakup; reunion; fantasy; femdom; D/s; bond; naked; bagged; trashcan; waste; disposal; gag; stuck; punish; FM; tease; kerbside; garbagetruck; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
08.11.18 - Rachel Dumps her GarbageItalian2525
F/m; D/s; trashcan; bag; encase; enclosed; dumped; compacted; hum; cons/reluct; XX
28.11.10 - Recyc-ALL 1: Shared InterestsDisposee
FF; lesbian; oral; climax; fantasy; MF; delivery; box; object; transform; F2doll; MF/f; sex; anal; oral; bagged; trashbags; dumpster; compactor; FF; stuck; crush; truck; transported; facility; recycle; sextoys; condoms; mast; cons; X
09.01.19 - RecycledCarnaj
F/m; D/s; foot; bond; bagged; dumped; cons; X
09.12.06 - 2
FM/m; bond; bagged; dumped; cons/reluct; XX
25.12.06 - 3
F+/m; bond; bagged; dumped; cons/reluct; XX
12.01.07 - 4
F+/m; bond; bagged; bdsm; slave; hum; dumped; cons; X
31.07.07 - Recycling a FlatmateStoo
F/f; bond; bagged; trashcan; outdoors; dumped; cons; X
27.08.08 - 2
MF/f; bond; bagged; trashcan; outdoors; dumpster; cons; X
29.10.08 - Reincarnation - The Life and Times of a Trash Bagcrushedwithdiapers
Solo; garbage; messy; diapers; crush; compacted; garbagetruck; dispose; XXX
19.11.22 - The Restaurant Toss OutJessie AKA trash girl
Solo-F; bagged; compacted; landfill; trash; truck; bin; dumpster; diner; accident; cons; X
04.08.20 - Revenge is in a Bag of TrashDoctor Vader
F/f; kidnap; captive; drug; bond; tape; gag; bagged; trash; messy; dumped; truck; compactor; hum; nc; XX
10.09.11 - The Risks of Dumpster SexDumpsterLife
MF; garbage; dumpster; trash; strip; mast; sex; truck; compacted; messy; cheat; revenge; caught; cons; XXX
03.04.24 - Roberta's ExperienceCynthia Harder
M/m; fem; cd; bond; motel; dumpster; garbage; cons/nc; X
13.11.09 - Round and RoundTammy Murfin
Solo-F; naked; gag; toys; insert; bagged; compactor; messy; buried; trapped; stuck; true; cons/reluct; XX
18.04.15 - The Rusty FiatDoctor Vader
F+/f; drug; bond; gag; transport; car; conveyor; machine; crush; revenge; nc; XX
24.08.12 - Ryan takes out the TrashVicky
M/f; lingerie; hum; messy; trash; dumped; nc; X
- SackedS M Ackerman
F/f; D/s; bond; chastity; electro; toys; trashcan; garbage; hum; cons; X
02.02.10 - 2
F/f; D/s; bond; chastity; electro; toys; wrapped; bagged; garbage; hum; cons; X
- 3: Mai's Invitation
FM+/fm; D/s; latex; capture; bond; boxed; garbage; fire; cons/reluct; X
28.06.10 - Sarah in the TrashBishopberkley
Solo-F; M/f; trick; dumpster; strip; pushed; messy; garbage; stuck; bond; hum; M+/f; truck; collection; landfill; cons/nc; X
31.08.18 - Saving Privates RyannTrash Girl / 64Fordman
FF; F/f; MM/f+; bond; gag; majick; transform; F2other; object; messy; trash; bin; compacted; truck; dumped; collected; bagged; wash; laundry; cons/nc; X
03.01.18 - Scary ThirtyS M Ackerman
M/f; bond; cuffs; chain; collar; chastity; toys; insert; naked; public; hum; dumpster; trash; messy; denial; climax; cons; X
19.12.13 - The School JanitorJordan Laine
F+/f; school; force; trashcan; naked; bagged; hum; insert; stuck; janitor; trick; collection; trolley; process; compactor; baler; wrap; storage; voy; mast; climax; cons; X
22.08.19 - Scout CampTeaSer
MF+/f; bond; trash; trashcan; messy; foodwaste; bagged; enclosed; public; hum; voy; video; denial; mast; cons/reluct; XX
12.11.12 - Self DestructionRiptieron
Sbm; bagged; trash; wrapped; truck; F/m; glue; compactor; cons/reluct; XX
24.11.06 - Sexy Game Gone WrongGarsponlin
M/f; trash; bond; chain; gag; bagged; tape; death; cons; XX
20.11.19 - She Blamed HerselfDoctor Vader
M/f; bond; trash; bagged; object; messy; hum; bdsm; cheat; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
10.06.12 - Site CanteenBinboy
Solo-M; bagged; gag; bond; zipties; trash; cons; X
18.12.11 - 2
Solo-M; bagged; gag; bond; zipties; trash; dumpster; foam; encase; truck; transport; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
09.05.12 - Sleeping With The Wrong ManDumpsterLife
F+/f; caught; revenge; trash; dumpster; messy; food; punish; urine; truck; compacted; buried; death; extreme; nc; XXX
27.01.22 - Solo TrashplayDenise Wallace
Solo-F; naked; straps; gag; collar; cuffs; trashbags; bagged; caught; M/f; hum; rebagged; oral; climax; trashcan; encase; denial; cons; X
20.11.17 - Something SpecialTrash Mouse
M/f; furry; bond; bagged; messy; dumpster; trash; cons; X
11.12.07 - Sorority RushTammy Murfin
F+/f+; FM+/f+; pledge; college; naked; tease; bond; gag; bagged; dumpster; tricked; collected; truck; disposal; oral; mast; voy; cons/reluct; X
11.05.15 - The Sorority Trashing Part 1: The Way It All BeganHerTrashySub
MF; F/m; cheat; capture; bond; bagged; trashcan; waste; messy; stuck; cons/reluct; X
31.07.11 - 2: The Beginning to an End
F/m; bagged; trashcan; captive; messy; diapers; stuck; swallow; dumpster; truck; compacted; landfill; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X
- South London Garbage GirlTrashy Trashbag
Solo-F; dumpster; bag; mast; caught; F/m; oral; sex; reluct; X
17.12.08 - Spoiled MeatRiptieron
F/m; boxed; trash; dumpster; truck; compactor; dumped; buried; cons/nc; XXX
20.12.05 - A Step Too FarMélodie
Solo-M; Sbm; rope; bagged; dumpster; compactor; stuck; cons; X
04.03.10 - The Strangest ThingTammy Murfin
Solo-F; F/m; garage; naked; trash; bag; trashcan; kerbside; latch; truck; collection; disposal; cons; X
26.06.15 - Stuck Up BitchMr Happy
Solo-F; dumpster; naked; glue; stuck; insert; compacted; dumped; nc; X
31.07.11 - Stu's First DayStoo
F+/m; trash; mast; caught; bond; tape; bagged; dumpster; nc; XX
12.12.20 - Submissive Male Trash Serves a Dominant Garbage BaggerChad B
M+/m; trash; anal; oral; hum; messy; bagged; dumpster; disposal; cons; reluct; XX
16.05.21 - Surprised by the Garbage WomanUnknown
Solo-M; nude; dumpster; caught; F/m; bond; bagged; trash; cons; X
- Taking ChancesGarbage Girl
M/f; lingerie; bond; gag; bagged; messy; trash; trashcan; kerbside; near-miss; collected; compacted; transport; machine; hopper; process; rescue; climax; cons; X
04.10.15 - Taking Out the TrashUnknown
F+/m; bond; bagged; breathplay; hum; transport; compacted; reluct; XXX
17.02.06 - Tales of Green Valley: Picked Up with the Rest of the Trashmalus_infantia
F/m; flirt; tease; bagged; disposal; transfer-station; conveyor; compactor; crush; mast?; cons/nc; warning; XXX
02.05.16 - Terms of ServiceTrash Girl
M+/f; M/f+; Machine/f; bond; gag; straps; cuffs; factory; wash; depilate; intubate; impregnate; milking; surgery; trash; dumped; recycle; dumpster; compacted; messy; cage; force-feed; cartrunk; buried; objectify; nc; XX
10.02.17 - That New Car Smell Part 1: Veronica’s New Car ExperienceJayJay
Solo-F; F/f; lingerie; messy; trash; dumpster; stuck; accident; hum; cons/reluct; X
08.07.10 - 2: No Free Ride to the Dealership
Solo-F; messy; glue; trash; dumpster; stuck; compactor; truck; machine; dumped; reluct/nc; X
28.07.10 - 3: The Return Home
Solo-F; F/f; dumped; messy; glue; trash; vine; mold; clean; bodymod; breast; piercing; tattoo; lesbian; cons/reluct; X
24.09.10 - 4: Life Goes On
Solo-F; F+/f; chastity; steel; clothing; toys; insert; dildo; club; glue; leather; cloth; mold; shave; lesbian; oral; denial; sex; cons/reluct; X
04.10.10 - TherapySchattenrose Miriam
M/f; clinic; therapy; tease; alley; bond; rope; gag; strip; naked; balltie; bagged; trash; insert; messy; dumpster; stuck; cons/reluct; X
28.04.14 - A Threesome to Die for..Tammy Murfin
Solo-F; M/f; sex; bagged; trash; wheeliebin; caught; F/fm; bond; rope; toys; insert; kerbside; collection; truck; compacted; landfill; buried; cons/nc; XX
21.07.16 - Tina's TrashRestricted
M+/f; bond; wrap; packed; trash; dumped; nc; XX
10.05.06 - Toxoplasmosis 1Lckdnrbbr
M/f; bond; mc; rope; sex; bagged; enclosure; hood; latex; breathingtube; gag; pumpgag; breathplay; rom; cons; XX
17.09.23 - 2
M/f; mpov; mc; bond; bagged; latex; catsuit; collar; cuffs; gag; hood; spank; sex; inflatable; pumpgag; tease; denial; tape; breathplay; objectify; trash; climax; rom; cons; XX
14.01.24 - 3
M/f; mpov; mc; bond; latex; bagged; enclosed; tease; climax; objectify; catsuit; hood; sex; mast; breathplay; collar; mittens; mask; cons; XX
25.02.24 - Transfer Stationgarbagebaglad
F+/m; bond; bagged; drum; messy; dumped; reluct; X
10.10.08 - TransformationBryan
F+/f; bond; bagged; trash; transport; dumped; nc; XX
20.11.05 - TrashHerb
M/f; bond; tape; bagged; cartrunk; transport; object; dumped; cons; X
05.11.05 - Trash Bag WeekendGromet
M/f; bond; gag; bagged; dumped; oral; cons; X
23.04.09 - Trash DayJohn
Solo-M; bagged; enclosed; trashcan; dumped; truck; compactor; cons/nc; XX
12.02.05 - Trash Doesn't Have a NameDoctor Vader
M/f; bagged; bond; tape; gagged; trash; messy; climax; dumped; truck; compactor; disposal; cons/nc; XX
03.10.11 - TrashedPegusas
Sbf; trashcan; smother; messy; transport; dumped; cons; X
17.06.07 - Trashed at SchoolWillNotWill
Solo-F; M/f; MF+/f; punishment; pudding; trashcan; strip; encase; hum; messy; waste; bagged; disposal; hoseoff; naked; arousal; reluct; X
10.01.16 - 2
Solo-F; MF+/f; punishment; strip; naked; food; waste; messy; arousal; trashcan; encase; hum; bagged; disposal; hoseoff; mast; climax; cons; X
26.01.16 - Trashed Dollfemboy in a dumpster
F/m; capture; drug; relaxant; fem; doll; packaged; delivery; F+/m; plaything; sexdoll; maid; trashbags; dumped; disposal; truck; collected; compacted; cons/nc; X
25.07.17 - Trashed InterloperElectroPainLover
F+/f; college; capture; bond; gag; rope; ties; crotchrope; dumpster; diapers; messy; truck; collected; landfill; rescue; cons/nc; XX
29.01.17 - TrashgoopLckdnrbbr
M/f; latex; bond; trashcan; bagged; messy; stuck; cons; X
17.02.10 - Trash GothTrashy Trashbag
M/m; trashbags; dumpster; encase; buried; outdoors; dumped; messy; mast; oral; anal; climax; cons; X
05.12.08 - The Trashing of a LilyBotfemboy in a dumpster
Solo-F; surprise; sexbot; mind-transfer; F/sexbot; gift; lesbian; sex; F/f; stuck; discovery; disposal; dumpster; truck; compacted; buried; landfill; rescue; cons/nc; X
15.06.19 - Trashing the DaughterElle_Girl
F+/f; bagged; gagged; trash; compacted; disposal; hum; nc; XX
22.11.09 - The Trash of the MagiLckdnrbbr
Sbf; Sbm; latex; enclosure; boxed; plastic; trashcan; object; stuck; toys; cons; X
02.01.09 - The Trash WifeDenise Wallace
M/f; naked; bond; rope; gag; bagged; garbage; messy; trashcan; toys; insert; oral; climax; cons; X
14.10.14 - 2: My Reward
M/f; naked; bond; rope; gag; bagged; trash; messy; dumpster; factory; toys; insert; objectify; dumped; oral; mast; climax; cons; X
04.10.15 - 3: Discovery & Consequences
M/f; naked; bond; rope; gag; bagged; garbage; messy; toys; insert; denial; F/fm; caught; hum; temptress; seduce; trashcan; stuck; cons; X
16.08.17 - The Trashy Adventures of David and Christine 1: Trashing her Worthless Boyfriendfemboy in a dumpster
F/m; bond; bagged; trashcan; foodstuff; waste; encase; kerbside; collected; truck; compacted; dumped; recovery; discovery; deal; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
29.01.17 - 2: The Training of a Trash Whore
F/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; crop; punish; bagged; trash; dumpster; compactor; truck; collected; landfill; game; buried; messy; tease; torment; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
- 3: Jennifer's Revenge
F+/m; F+/f; D/s; bond; bagged; trash; messy; dumpster; discovery; sex; climax; caught; bdsm; punish; cuffs; truck; collected; compactor; buried; tease; torment; cons/reluct; X
10.02.17 - 4: Christine's Party
F+/m; D/s; reunion; party; tricked; strip; bond; gag; trashcan; messy; foodwaste; bagged; compactor; buried; tease; cons/reluct; X
27.04.17 - 5: David Screws Up
F+/m; D/s; strip; naked; compactor; game; punish; messy; foodwaste; buried; tease; collected; transport; landfill; torment; sex; climax; surprise; cons; X
27.04.17 - Trashy Dom Part 1: ArrivalPhil
F/f; domme; bagged; bond; messy; gagged; cartrunk; mast; cons; X
12.02.09 - 2: Instruction
F+/f; domme; bagged; bond; messy; gagged; mast; cons/reluct; X
28.08.09 - Trashy JoBensel
F+/f; bond; bagged; dumped; messy; compactor; nc; X
08.03.08 - The Trashy Revenge of the Daycare GirlsTrashy Trashbag
F+/f; capture; wrap; enclosed; dumpster; trashbags; encase; stuck; dumped; nc; XX
10.07.11 - Tricked n discardedFulcrum & Stu
Solo-F; M/f; compactor; trick; trash; bag; messy; waste; stuck; M+/f; discovery; smell; bond; tape; bagged; transport; landfill; cons/nc; X
08.11.18 - Trick Or TrashStoo
M/f; captive; bond; gag; tape; cupboard; bagged; trash; carried; dumpster; stuck; nc; X
Tales of Green Valley
- 1: Volleyball TeamTammy Murfin
MF+/f+; game; dumpster; entrap; compactor; truck; transport; dumped; incinerator; disposal; cons/nc; XX
25.08.14 - 2: One Way Trip
F/fm+; M/f; FM+/m; brothel; slave; breathplay; suffocate; punish; wrap; bond; disposal; dumpster; transport; dumped; sewer; cons/nc; XX
02.09.14 - 3: Tammy gets Caught
Solo-F; M/f; naked; gag; bagged; garbage; trashbags; truck; collection; transport; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
09.09.14 - 4: Performance Review
Solo-M; F/m; D/s; diapers; trash; waste; compactor; conveyor; encase; disposal; sex; climax; cons; X
17.09.14 - 5: Tammy gets a Scare
Solo-F; M/f; naked; bagged; trashbags; garbage; trashcan; poop; truck; disposal; stuck; cons/reluct; X
24.09.14 - 6: Tammy's Scary Ride
Solo-F; M/f; F/m; naked; bagged; trashbags; garbage; truck; disposal; compactor; stuck; discovery; insert; mast; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
24.09.14 - 7: An old friend surprises Tammy
MM/f; hotel; captive; bond; cuffs; gag; bagged; disposal; compactor; messy; truck; transport; stuck; cons/reluct; X
04.10.14 - 8: A Very Messy End
F+/f; waitress; trash; dumpster; bagged; messy; food; insert; mast; climax; rat; vore; truck; conveyor; process; hard; death; cons/nc; XXX
13.10.14 - 9: Trash takes a Vacation
MF; FM/f; F/m; trashbags; trashcan; trash; bond; gag; bagged; messy; stuck; kerbside; truck; compactor; disposal; transport; conveyor; process; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
03.11.14 - 10: If you knew Tammy...
MF; M/f; naked; trashbags; trashcan; garbage; bond; bagged; messy; stuck; kerbside; truck; oral; sex; climax; rom; cons; X
11.11.14 - 11: Fond Memories
Solo-F; M/f; naked; trashbags; trashcan; garbage; bagged; messy; stuck; kerbside; truck; collection; discovery; mast; cons/reluct; X
17.11.14 - 12: Just Walking Home
Solo-F; M/f; MM/f+; naked; trashbags; dumpster; garbage; bagged; messy; discovery; sex; oral; climax; cons; X
17.11.14 - 13: Last Halloween
FF; MF+; M/f; F/f; witch; spell; bagged; bond; naked; oral; sex; climax; revenge; bagged; disposal; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - 14: More Memories
Solo-F; M+/f; bond; balltie; rope; gag; trashbags; bagged; trashcan; kerbside; collected; transport; messy; landfill; oral; anal; sex; group; climax; cons; X
17.12.14 - 15: Surprise Party
Solo-F; MF+/f+; D/s; party; strip; slave; bond; tape; gag; trashbags; bagged; messy; trashcan; kerbside; truck; collected; transport; strapon; oral; anal; sex; group; climax; cons; X
17.12.14 - 16: Surprise Party, the Aftermath
MF+/f+; D/s; party; slave; bond; tape; trashbags; bagged; kerbside; truck; collected; transport; landfill; tractor; roller; stuck; accident; cons/reluct; XX
05.02.15 - 17: New to the Game
Solo-F; trash; bag; disposal; M/f; bond; gag; sex; anal; climax; compactor; messy; buried; truck; collected; transport; landfill; tractor; stuck; cons/reluct; X
Trapped in the Dumpster
- Trapped in the DumpsterSchattenrose Miriam
Solo-F; dumpster; trashbags; newspaper; rope; gag; toys; insert; stuck; discovery; cons; X
21.02.13 - 2: Aftermath
Solo-F; M/f; dumpster; trashbags; bath; toys; insert; discovery; oral; sex; anal; climax; fantasy; cons; X
02.03.13 - 3: Again
Solo-F; M/f; dumpster; trashbags; naked; rope; blindfold; newspaper; toys; insert; stuck; tease; cons; X
09.03.13 - 4: The First Playtime
M/f; D/s; strip; naked; bond; zipties; gag; trashbags; collar; blankets; toys; oral; climax; fantasy; cons; X
09.03.13 - 5: Playtime at the Beach
M/f; D/s; outdoors; beach; bond; rope; gag; trashbags; inflate; breathplay; bagged; messy; oral; climax; cons; X
19.03.13 - 6: Another good use for Saran Wrap
M/f; D/s; tease; strip; wrap; saranwrap; tape; gag; breathplay; trashbags; bagged; sex; toys; insert; climax; cons; X
19.03.13 - 7: A Self-made Present
Solo-F; M/f; prepare; costume; crate; gag; ribbon; rope; finger-traps; boxed; trash; dumpster; tease; stuck; cons/reluct; X
04.04.13 - 8: The Egg
M/f; lingerie; mitts; gag; rope; bond; eggs; encase; foam; sealed; trash; dumpster; tease; insert; anal; climax; cons; X
- The Unbreakable BagLckdnrbbr
Solo-M; nanotech; tools; gag; drug; strip; bagged; trash; stuck; euphoria; mast; cons/reluct; X
04.04.13 - The Unexpected, Expected RideDesolate Mistral
F/m; fetish; bagged; encase; trash; wheeliebin; kerbside; truck; collection; disposal; compacted; stuck; mast; climax; cons; X
05.02.15 - The Unexplored FantasyDesolate Mistral
Solo-M; bagged; vacuum; mast; caught; F/m; bond; naked; trashbags; trashcan; compactor; stuck; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
17.03.15 - University Woes 1: The Lost MobileDumpsterLife
FF; college; canteen; foodwaste; dumpster; phone; lost; search; trashbags; messy; revenge; F/f; truck; collection; transport; compactor; waste; discovery; rescue; cons/nc; X
09.01.19 - 2: Francesca's Punishment
F+/f; revenge; drug; naked; bond; bagged; foodwaste; compactor; trashbags; messy; stuck; collection; truck; transport; landfill; buried; cons/nc; XX
20.01.19 - Useless DaughterTraitor
FM+/f; naked; bond; rope; bagged; gag; trashcan; garbage; messy; kerbside; truck; disposal; cons/reluct; X
25.08.14 - A Very Messy Christmas PartyAnna B
M+/f; food; messy; public; trash; bin; hum; strip; mast; climax; enclosed; vomit; dumped; caution; reluct; XXX
10.12.23 - The Virtues of RecyclingRubberwolf
F/f; bond; catfight; bagged; dumped; garbage; encase; nc; X
06.05.07 - Warehouse WasteJack Peacock
Solo; bond; trash; bagged; cuffs; straps; stuck; cons; X
02.09.22 - Was it What She Wanted?Doctor Vader
MF; FM/f; naked; bagged; bond; gag; trash; messy; dumpster; hum; truck; disposal; sex; climax; cons; X
21.01.12 - We Found Love In A Hopeless PlaceDumpsterLife
MF; Solo-M; mpov; foreplay; mast; oral; sex; bagged; cons; disposal; dumpster; garbage
12.12.19 - What About Dee?silentDee
FM+; FM+/f; game; challenge; strip; bond; tape; gag; buttplug; insert; bagged; trash; messy; trashcan; encase; breathplay; kerbside; denial; cons/reluct; X
26.09.15 - What a WasteDoctor Vader
MM/f; kidnap; bond; rope; gag; compactor; trash; climax; cons/nc; X
21.01.13 - What Happens to the Trash in the DumpsterYodamatt
Solo-M; mpov; trash; dumpster; covered; truck; compacted; death; caution; XXX
05.12.21 - A Wheelie good time!Restricted
Sbf; latex; balloon; bin; outdoors; caught; M/f; bond; cons; X
13.11.07 - When's Trash Day?Carnaj
F+/m; chloroform; bond; gagged; bagged; transport; dumped; trash; mast; cons; X
25.12.06 - While the roommates sleptTobe Trashy
Solo-M; outdoors; bagged; public; garbage; trash; trashcan; true; cons; X
09.05.18 - Wife's GarbageScoopdoop
F/m; wrap; gag; bagged; trash; messy; transport; compactor; dumped; cons; X
06.08.12 - Wife's Unexpected Change of Heartbag me please
F/m; F+/m; bond; bagged; breathplay; trash; messy; dumped; compactor; oral; sex; cons/nc; XX
08.03.11 - Wishes Do Come TrueBarefoot Ray
Solo-F; dumpster; trash; stuck; reluct; X
03.05.09 - 2
Solo-F; dumpster; trash; discovery; M+/f; slave; oral; anal; sex; reluct/cons; X
02.02.10 - Working in the Food FactoryBinboy
Sbm; wrap; bagged; encase; messy; compactor; cons; X
05.10.08 - Worthless and UnwantedUnwanted Trash
F/m; hum; trash; objectify; urine; messy; compacted; bagged; nc; XXX
23.09.23 - Xmas CleanupTammy Murfin
Solo-M; M+/f+; trash; trashcan; bagged; ribbon; truck; collected; disposal; compactor; transfer-station; rescue; cons; X